
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Daycare Blues

Every morning I drop Miles off at daycare near my work. Some days he is very clingy, won't let go of my leg, and throws a fit as I walk out the door, some days he is too sleepy after the 30 min drive to even notice he's at daycare, and other days he is perfectly happy to see his friends and couldn't care less whether I'm there or not. But even on those days that he is so sad to see me go, as soon as one of his teachers picks him up and gives him a big hug, voila, he's over it! Me on the other hand... you would think I had just run over a kitten* or just read the novel Sophie's Choice... The tears, man! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little or maybe not, but it's true that my heart breaks a little every time I drop Miles off despite knowing he's only 7 minutes away. Even when I leave Miles at home with Daddy I get a little teary-eyed at the goodbye. I can't help it. It's part of being a mom. Now excuse me while I go cry into my lab notebook and simultaneously attempt to finish this experiment.

But Mom, I don't wanna go to daycare!
*No kittens were harmed in the writing of this post.

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